La Vuarpillière, Nyon

La Vuarpillière area in Nyon hosts around fifteen businesses and more than 800 employees. Since 2014, companies have been committed to improving site mobility through an inter-company mobility plan (PMiE). As from 2021 this PMiE is managed by Région de Nyon.


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Mobility on site

La Vuarpillière is located on the outskirts of Nyon and is accessible by train (NStCM) from Nyon train station every 15 minutes during rush hour. Discover all the information related to mobility at La Vuarpillière on the specific page

Mobility Representative Committee

Région de Nyon is in contact with the companies, each of which designates an active representative within the site mobility group. A meeting of the Mobility Representative Committee, led by Région de Nyon, takes place twice a year to deal with aspects related to the site’s mobility. Guichet Mobile contacts representatives by e-mail regularly to share all news regarding mobility.

On-site events

Région de Nyon organizes mobility challenges via the Guichet Mobile service. It also proposes offers to promote the use of public transport and soft mobility.
